#AveryStrong makes its way to Utah with first Team PALA Avery Strong 7on7 Tournament


The Avery Huffman DIPG Foundation made its first trip to Utah this past weekend for the first Team PALA Avery Strong 7on7 Tournament.

But it was far more than just football.

It was about sharing Avery’s story, speaking about her toughness and fight, spreading the word about her brAvery and DIPG awareness.

And the response was absolutely incredible.

Utah is now the seventh state to host some kind of football event in Avery’s name, after our dear friend Taylor Barton wrote the book on it, with the #AveryStrong Showcases and #brAvery 7on7 Association Tour having been to California, Alaska, Idaho and Oregon as well as home base in Washington.

Our friends in Utah, Stu Tua, Pala Vaitu’u and Will Kofe, with Team PALA and Team OFFA, as well as our friend Mori Suesue and Fatu Aumua with MLUYFI in the Bay Area, reached out months ago for our blessing to do a 7v7 tournament in Utah to benefit the Avery Huffman DIPG Foundation.

But Stu wanted it to be more than just about putting her name on the tournament.

Like Taylor has done at every event over the past five years, Stu wanted to make sure Avery’s story was told to all of the players and their families.

So I was given the opportunity to share about Avery and DIPG and our foundation and reminded every kid playing, they were playing more than just football- they were playing for a bigger cause and giving other families reason to hope, all while playing the game they love.

It was such a top-notch event- from the Media Day on Friday at Rio Tinto Stadium (the home of MLS’ Real Salt Lake), to the 7on7 Tournament and Linemen Challenge, to the signage and backdrops and shirts and program that had Avery’s picture or the foundation’s logo splashed everywhere.

The Alley from Idaho, led by coach Fatu Moala and Mike VanSteenkiste, won the first of what we hope will be an annual tournament, with quarterback Tiger Adolpho, from Rigby HS, sent us a picture the morning of the tournament with #AveryH written on his arm, fulfilling a promise he had made earlier in the week, that he would honor Avery with his play- then went out and won the tournament MVP while leading his team to the title.

The players who played in the 7on7 Tournament and the Linemen Challenge, many who are in other sports, who participated in track meets the day before, who made it a point to participate in the event, who came up to us and said they wouldn’t miss this event, wanting to play and participate and honor Avery.

It was a super competitive tournament and linemen challenge, but it was always respectful and passionate, which just goes to show how well organized ran the event was. And we think Avery especially would have gotten a kick out of the energy and violence in the linemen challenge.

There are so many people to thank- all of the teams that participated in the 7on7 Tournament and the Linemen Challenge, the media that came to cover the event throughout the weekend, Blair Angulo from 247Sports, Danny Dabiri from CLA and Benjamin Criddle from ESPN 960, the coaches who brought their teams to the event and coached in both the 7on7 and Lineman Challenge, long time supporters like Tevita Ofahengaue, who during Avery’s fight, sent flowers and chocolate covered macadamia nuts to cheer her up and Gary Howard of National Preps, who has supported the Avery Huffman DIPG Foundation through his own series of camps.

People like Mori Suesue, Fatu Aumua, Pala Vaitu’i and Will Offa, who all played key roles in the event, in the planning and preparation leading up to it, as well as the event.

But most importantly, Stu Tua and his wife, Kina and all of the volunteers.

Stu had a dream of an event, but as he told me over the weekend, he wanted it to be more than just about football- he wanted it to be an opportunity for Avery to be honored, for her story to be told.

And he blew us away with just how much Avery was honored- checking in to my hotel room, seeing Avery’s logo on all the gear and media items soothed the soul.

Kina managing the Media Day, I’ve been to college football media days that this event would have blown out of the water, was an arduous task and she and her volunteers made it such a great experience for each of the players and their families.

Over $6,000 was donated to the Avery Huffman DIPG Foundation this weekend (and counting).

Stu, Kina, Pala, Mori, Will, Fatu, your team, we are so grateful for you and what your team did to honor Avery, to keep saying her name, to help us fight back.

Danny, Blair, Gary and Ben, thanks for sharing pictures and articles and soundbites, mentioning Avery and our foundation.

To all of the event sponsors, volunteers, the Team PALA and Team OFFA families who planned and supported the event in the weeks leading up, thank you.

Utah (and Vegas and Idaho and the Bay Area teams that came), you greeted us with open arms and gave us an event to remember, not just for honoring Avery, but letting us share about Avery and her fight.

We cannot wait to be back.



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